Black and green olives are popular appetizers, salad additions, or table snacks. But should you be worried if your dog snaffles one when you’re not looking? Read on to find out whether dogs can eat black olives.
Black olives are a great snack for humans, as they contain healthy monounsaturated fats and beneficial vitamins. But can dogs eat black olives?
There’s probably no need to panic if your dog eats an olive during a dinner party. As long as the pit has been removed, black olives are safe for dogs to eat in small quantities.
Olives shouldn’t be a regular part of your dog’s diet, however, as they’re often high in salt. It’s also important to avoid giving dogs seasoned olives, as these may contain toxic ingredients.
Are Black Olives Toxic to Dogs?
The good news is that plain black olives aren’t toxic to dogs. It’s usually safe for your dog to eat them in moderation, assuming your pet doesn’t have an allergy.
There are a few reasons to be wary of olives though – and they certainly shouldn’t be part of your dog’s daily diet. Here are the key concerns.
Pits Can Be Dangerous
While plain olives aren’t toxic, olive pits can be a choking hazard for your dog. They could also chip a tooth if your pet bites them.
For this reason, be careful to remove pits, or buy pitted dates, before allowing your dog to eat one.
Black Olives Have High Sodium Content
Most olives are cured in a brine solution. This means they have an unusually high salt content for a fruit. Although ripe black olives have a lower sodium content than green ones, eating too many could theoretically impact your dog’s health.
Sodium is an essential nutrient for dogs, but a diet too high in this mineral can lead to dehydration, kidney disease, and heart disease. When consumed in excessive amounts, salt can also cause salt toxicity. This is a serious condition with symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, and even seizures.
The good news is that your dog is unlikely to eat enough black olives for salt poisoning to be an issue. “I have never seen salt toxicity in a dog who has eaten too many olives,” says vet Dr Linda Simon. “Even a young, small breed puppy would need to eat a very large amount before this would occur.”
It’s possible to buy unsalted olives, but these are rare. Raw, freshly picked olives retain a bitter taste that makes them unpalatable. Some jarred varieties, however, do have a reduced salt content.
Avoid Seasoned Olives
Jarred and pickled olives are sometimes coated or stuffed with other ingredients. Avoid giving seasoned or stuffed olives to your dog, as the extra ingredients could be dangerous.
Garlic, for example, is commonly added to olives and this is toxic to dogs. Onions or jalapeno peppers are two other examples that shouldn’t be given to dogs.
“Some larger olives are stuffed with whole cloves of garlic,” says Dr Linda Simon. “I’ve had to treat a Chihuahua for garlic toxicity after she ate about 10 of these olives. Thankfully, she was treated promptly and made a full recovery.”
Are Black Olives Healthy for Dogs to Eat?
Although plain olives provide a number of nutritional benefits, they’re not a natural food source for dogs. Dogs should be fed a nutritionally complete dog food that’s formulated for canines, rather than relying on treats.
If your dog loves black olives, giving them as an occasional treat could provide some health benefits though:
- Rich in Vitamin E. This vitamin is already found in most commercial pet foods, as it’s an essential part of a dogs diet. A little extra won’t do any harm, though, and black olives contain a lot. It’s particularly helpful for promoting a healthy skin and coat.
- High quantities of copper. This vitamin helps dogs form red blood cells and maintain healthy bones, tissue and immune systems.
- Contain polyphenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants have beneficial anti-inflammatory properties for dogs.
- Monounsaturated fats. Olives might be high in fats, but it’s the good kind (primarily oleic acid.) This means olives could reduce the risk of heart disease and may have anti-inflammatory properties.
- Packed with calcium. An essential nutrient for dogs, calcium helps ensure they develop strong bones and teeth.
Any new food should be introduced gradually to monitor for allergies or intolerances. With a salty food like black olives, it’s best to seek advice from your vet or a qualified canine nutritionist. This is especially important if your dog has underlying health conditions.
How Many Olives Can Dogs Eat?
If you decide to give your dog black olives as a treat, don’t give them too many – even if you’ve bought a low-salt variety. One or two olives in a 24-hour period is more than enough, but cut them up to minimise choking hazards. You also shouldn’t feed them to your dog every day.
As already mentioned, watch out for signs of allergies or intolerances. Common signs of an allergic flare-up include itchy, irritated skin and gastric upsets. In severe cases, allergies can affect the respiratory system.
Fortunately, allergies to olives are very rare in dogs. “While a theoretical possibility, I’m unaware of any cases of a dog with an olive allergy,” says Dr Simon.
Note: Allergic reactions can sometimes occur immediately, but the symptoms can also take several days to appear. Contact a vet immediately if you notice any signs of an allergy.
Are Pitted Black Olives Safer?
Pitted olives have had their stone removed, saving you the hassle of removing it yourself.
However, sometimes a pit sneaks into a batch of pitted olives. This is another reason to always cut up olives before giving them to a dog – even if they are pitted.
Black and green olives are both non-toxic and safe for dogs to eat. That doesn’t mean they make an ideal treat for your dog though.
Olives contain a lot of salt, which can be bad for your dog. This is one of the reasons why olives should only be fed to a dog in small quantities and infrequently. You should also ensure that the pit has been removed and the olive has been cut into small pieces.
Avoid olives that have been stuffed or seasoned. Crushed garlic, jalapeno peppers, and other foods can be highly toxic to dogs.